All About The Cats in Bridgeport, CT

All About The Cats

Helping homeless cats in Bridgeport, CT and surrounding communities

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Adopt a Cat or Kitten in Bridgeport CT

If interested in adopting, please Submit an Application so we can pre-approve you and speed up the process!

Our adoption donation is $175 for adults and $250 for kittens. This helps cover part of the vetting cost involved with having kitty be spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and tested for aids and leukemia. Our cats also receive dewormer and flea medication prior to adoption.

Kittens less than 4 months of age must be adopted in pairs unless you have another young cat at home who's looking for a playmate. Young kittens need socializing with people and other pets, as well as more frequent feedings.

You can visit many of our adoptable cats every single day at PETCO, 4559 Main St, Bridgeport! See all our cats looking for a home below:

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We can also recommend many other local rescue groups in Connecticut:

* Bridgeport Cat Rescue

* CT Humane Society Westport

* Kitten Associates Newtown

* Pet Animal Welfare Society - PAWS Norwalk

* Stratford Cat Project

* The Alliance in Limiting Strays - TAILS Norwalk and Westport

Don't forget about your local animal control facilities who have great cats for adoption too:

* Bridgeport Animal Control

* Fairfield Animal Control

* Stratford Animal Control

* Trumbull Animal Control

Search national databases of cats for adoption, enter your zip code to search locally at:

* Adopt A Pet

* Pet Finder

All About The Cats

PO Box 3063, Bridgeport, CT 06605 - text or call 203-572-7208

Adopt a Cat
Adopt a Barn Cat
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